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Contribution to development of new technologies

dc.contributorStarčević, Dušan
dc.contributorPantović, Vladan
dc.creatorKalajdžić, Milisav
dc.creatorGlavonjić, Miloš
dc.creatorVasić, Ivan
dc.creatorŽivanović, Saša
dc.description.abstractSredinom ovog veka za inženjera proizvodnog mašinstva je rečeno da je obrazovan, uvežban i iskusan poslenik u tehnologiji i organizaciji i da je kompetentan da prepozna faktore koji utiču na izradu proizvoda. On vodi tehnološke procese razvijanjem efektivne koordinacije napora kojima treba dostići potrebnu tačnost, proizvodnost i ekonomičnost. Ovde je to interpretirano egzistencijom modernih tehnoloških sistema koje karakterišu: agilnost, sinhronizacija, fleksibilnost i modularnost. Zasnovan im je prapočetak morfološkog prostora, procenjen im je sadašnji status i popisane su neke njihove osobine. Na jednom primeru je pokazano kako je na Mašinskom fakultetu u Beogradu postavljen metod projektovanja i gradnje komponenata jednog proizvoda.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the middle of this century, the production engineer is said to be educated skilled and experienced worker in technology and organization and competent to recognize factors which have effect on manufacture of products. He leads manufacturing processes by developing effective coordination of strengths which are necessary to obtain required accuracy, productivity and economy. Here, it is interpreted by existence of modern manufacturing systems which are characterized by: agility, synchronization, flexibility and modularity. Its morphological space is defined, their present state is estimated and some characteristics are listed. It is presented on one example how the design method and component building of one product is established at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.sr
dc.publisherJURIT Jugoslovensko udruženje za računarstvo , informatiku, Telekomunikacije, automatizaciju i menadžmentsr
dc.publisherYugoslav Association for Computers, Information Technologies, Telecommunications, Automation and Managementsr
dc.relationRadeno u okviru projekta 11E08PT1 "Istraživanje i osvajanje metoda, tehnologija i sredstava u cilju razvoja fabrika budućnosti i obezbeđenja tehnološke nezavisnosti i konkurentnosti u mašinogradnji", u čijem finansiranju učestvuje i Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnologiju Republike Srbije.sr
dc.sourceXII Naučno-stručni skup, Info - Teh 1997, Zbornik radova, Vrnjačka Banja, 16-20. jun 1997.sr
dc.titlePrilog razvoju novih tehnologijasr
dc.titleContribution to development of new technologiessr



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