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Workspace analysis of reconfigurable 4-axis mechanism with hybrid mechanism for wire cutting process

dc.contributorBabić, Bojan
dc.contributorŽivanović, Saša
dc.creatorVasilić, Goran
dc.creatorŽivanović, Saša
dc.description.abstractProces obrade sečenja žicom iako spada u nekonvencionalne metode obrade je u velikoj meri zastupljen u industriji. Tokom procesa obrade sečenja žicom, javljaju se sile malih intzenziteta. Zbog toga se nameće zaključak da delovi mehanizma mašine ne moraju biti masivni što je i jedna od karakteristika paralelnih mehanizama.U okviru rada je razmatran hibridni mehanizam koga čine dva paralelna ravanska dvoosna mehanizma. Paralelni mehanizmi su rekonfigurabilni i međusobno povezani žicom koja vrši obradu. Za hibridni mehanizam su izvedene jednačine inverznog kinematičkog proble (IKP) i direktnog kinematičkog problema (DKP). Jednačine IKP-a i DKP-a su u opštem obliku i važe za svaku konfiguraciju paralelnih mehanizama hibridnog mehanizma. Izvedene jednačine se mogu koristiti za analize hibridnog mehanizma ali i za konfigurisanje upravljanja. Za četvoroosni hibridni mehanizam u ovom radu je data analiza radnog prostora zasnovana na jednačinama DKP-a.sr
dc.description.abstractAnd if wire cutting process belongs to unconvetional method, process is largely represented in industry. During the wire cutting there are low force intensity appear. This leads to a conclusion that the parts of machine do not have to be heavy, which is one of advantage of parallel mechanism. This paperpresents hybrid mechanism consisted of two parallel 2-axis mechanism. Parallel mechanisms are reconfigurable and they are connected with cutting wire. For hybrid mechanism are derived equation of inverse and direct kinematic problem. Equations of inverse kinematicproblem (IKP) and equations of direct kinematic problem (DKP) are shown in generalised form and they are valid for any configuration of parallel mechanism in hybrid mechanism.Derived equations can be used primarily for hybrid mechanism analysis and then for configuring of machine control. For the 4-axis hybrid mechanism and one selected configuration, this paper presents the results of the analysis of the workspace based on the equations of DKP.sr
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultetsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/35022/RS//sr
dc.source41. JUPITER konferenencija, 37. simpozijum NU-Roboti-FTS, Zbornik radovasr
dc.subjectnekonvencionalne metode obradesr
dc.subjectrekonfigurabilni mehanizamsr
dc.subjecthibridna kinematikasr
dc.subjectradni prostorsr
dc.subjectinverzni i direktni kinematički problemsr
dc.titleAnaliza radnog prostora rekonfigurabilnog četvoroosnog mehanizma sa hibridnom kinematikom za proces obrade sečenja žicomsr
dc.titleWorkspace analysis of reconfigurable 4-axis mechanism with hybrid mechanism for wire cutting processsr



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