Приказ резултата 1-20 од 37

      Application of glass in materialization of geometrically complex forms of architectural building envelopes. [1]
      Biomimicry as a method of the high-speed train aerodynamical designing [1]
      Biomimikrija kao metod aerodinamičkog dizajniranja voza velikih brzina [1]
      Chaotic fruit fly optimization algorithm [1]
      Estimation of rotary equipment integrity using fracture mechanics parameters [1]
      Integrity and life assessment of welded joints made of micro-alloyed high strength steels under static and dynamic loading [1]
      Integrity assessment by cross correlated modal identification of steel structures [1]
      Integrity assessment of welded structures designed with reduced safety [1]
      Izražavanje merne nesigurnosti kapacitivnih razdelnika napona sa koncentrisanim parametrima u oblasti visokih frekvencija [1]
      Karakterizacija materijala SPM tehnikom i njeno unapređenje primenom analize uticaja defekata sondi [1]
      Maintenance Management Model of CraneTransport System‘ [1]
      Measurement Uncertainty Expression of Capacitive Dividers with Concentrated Parameters in High Frequency Range [1]
      Model analysis of complex spatial structres' strength [1]
      Model upravljanja održavanjem sistema dizaličnog transporta [1]
      Multi-criteria decision making in container transport [1]
      Primena stakla u materijalizaciji geometrijski kompleksnih formi omotača arhitektonskih objekata [1]
      Probe testing effect on crack initiation and growth in pressureized equipment welded joints [1]
      Procena integriteta čeličnih konstrukcija pomoću uporedne modalne analize [1]
      Procena integriteta i veka zavarenih spojeva mikrolegiranih čelika povišene čvrstoće pri dejstvu statičkog i dinamičkog opterećenja [1]
      Procena integriteta rotacione opreme primenom parametara mehanike loma [1]