Now showing items 1034-1053 of 1906

      Metallographic characterization of the heat affected zone in welded joints with multiple defects [1]
      Methodological approach to integrity assessment and service life of rotating equipment at hydropower plant: Turbine shaft [1]
      Methodology of determination the influence of corrosion pit on decrease of hydro turbine shaft fatigue life [1]
      Methodology of physical occurrences analogy in researching vehicle lifetime [1]
      Methodology of the main drive selection for a human centrifuge [1]
      Methodology optimization tests of composite rotor blades of helicopters in extreme conditions [1]
      Metoda i program PATS za detekciju oblasti izražene turbulencije kod prirodne konvekcije [1]
      Metoda korelacije digitalnih slika u eksperimentalnoj analizi parametara mehanike loma [1]
      Metodologija analize 2D AB rama primenom p-y krivih kao link elemenata na šipovima [1]
      Metodologija izbora glavnog pogona za humanu centrifugu [1]
      Metodology of analysis of 2D RC frame models with application of p-y curves as link elements on piles. [1]
      Metodološki pristup proceni integriteta i veka rotacione opreme u hidroelektrani - turbinsko vratilo [1]
      Međuzavisnost kontingentnih faktora organizacije u domaćim industrijskim preduzećima [1]
      Microhardness and Macrostructures of Friction Stir Welded T-joints [1]
      Micromechanical analysis of constraint effect on fracture initiation in strength mismatched welded [1]
      Micromechanical analysis of constraint effect on fracture initiation in strength mismatched welded joints [1]
      Micromechanical analysis of mechanical heterogeneity effect on the ductile tearing of weldments [1]
      Micromechanical assessment of mismatch effects on fracture of high-strength low alloyed steel welded joints [1]
      Micromechanical coupled study of crack growth initiation criterion in Pressure vessel steel [1]
      Micromechanical coupled study of crack growth initiation criterion in pressure vessel steel [1]