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Detection of cause of pipe burst in economizer of process CO steam boiler

dc.creatorStamenković, Ognjen
dc.creatorStupar, Goran
dc.creatorTucaković, Dragan
dc.creatorBošković, Bojan M.
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani rezultati analize rada procesnog parnog kotla sa maksimalnom kontinualnom produkcijom pare od 75 t/h pritiska 45,5 bar i temperature 412 oC. Predmetni kotao je deo postrojenja za proizvodnju pare u Rafineriji nafte u Pančevu, Srbija. Prema zahtevu naručioca predviđeno je da kotao radi sa više vrsta goriva kao i sa dve ili tri vrste goriva istovremeno. Pristupnim instalacijama u ložište je moguće dovesti rafinerijski gas, ložno ulje kao i otpadni gas visoke temperature. Otpadni gas se u kotao dovodi iz postrojenja za katalitički kreking (eng. FCC - Fuel catalyst cracking) i predstavlja dvokomponentu mešavine gasne faze i polidisperznih čestica prečnika ne većeg od 40 µm. Skorije promene u proizvodnji pare u rafineriji dovele su do potrebe za modifikacijom radnog režima kotla, odnosno, do modifikacije njegovih radnih parametara. Trenutno, u novim radnim uslovima, u toku rada kotla dešavaju se učestala pucanja cevi na zagrejaču vode što zahteva momentalni prekid proizvodnje pare kao i sprovođenje vremenski i finansijski zahtevanih postupaka u cilju otklanjanja uzroka zastoja i nastavka rada parnog kotla. U ovom radu predstavljeni su rezultati termičkog proračuna predmetnog kotla za projektne i nove uslove rada u cilju identifikacije uzroka učestalih neplankih zastoja u proizvodnji pare. Nakon izvršene analize rezultata proračuna date su preporuke u vezi modifikacije radnih parametara u cilju eliminisanja ili smanjivanja mogućnosti za pojavu neželjenih efakata na zagrejaču vode.sr
dc.description.abstractIn this paper results of analysis of process steam boiler operation with maximum continuous steam production of 75 t/h, steam pressure and temperature of 45,5 bar and 412 oC are presented. Steam boiler is predicted to operate within steam production facility of oil and gas refinery in Pancevo, Serbia. On the demand of purchaser steam boiler is enabled to operate with various fuels as well as with two or three fuels simultaneously. By fuels intake facilities it is enabled to introduce refinery gas, fuel oil and high-temperature waste gas to the boilers furnace. Waste gas is guided from FCC (Fuel catalyst cracking) facility and presents two-component fluid with polydisperse solid phase composed of particles of diameter smaller than 40 µm. Recent changes in steam consumption in refinery resulted in modifications in boiler's operating regime and, further on, in significant changes in its operational parameters. At present, in new conditions, boiler operates with frequent pipe bursts on pipe bundles of boiler economizer which requires forced interruption in steam production as well as time and cost consuming operations for resuming boiler work. In this paper results of thermal calculations for design and new operational conditions are presented for the purpose of identification of cause of frequent unscheduled steam production interruptions. After analysis of presented results, recommendations on how to modify certain boiler operational parameters in order to eliminate or reduce possibility of such unfavourable occurance has been provided.en
dc.publisherSavez inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjecttermički proračunsr
dc.subjectpucanje cevisr
dc.subjectprocesni parni kotaosr
dc.subjectotpadni gassr
dc.subjectwaste gasen
dc.subjectthermal calculationen
dc.subjectprocess steam boileren
dc.subjectpipe bursten
dc.titleDetekcija uzroka pucanja cevi na zagrejaču vode procesnog CO parnog kotlasr
dc.titleDetection of cause of pipe burst in economizer of process CO steam boileren
dc.citation.other77(1): 55-69



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