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Fuel savings by using better-quality insulation in refrigerated vans

dc.creatorJovanović, Branislav
dc.creatorMaljković, Miloš
dc.creatorStamenković, Dragan
dc.creatorPopović, Vladimir
dc.description.abstractEnergetskoj efikasnosti dostavnih vozila koja prevoze lakokvarljive namirnice se mora posvetiti dodatna pažnja jer neefikasan rad mehaničkih rashladnih uređaja ugrađenih na ovakva vozila dovodi do povećanja potrošnje goriva i emisije izduvnih gasova. Količina goriva utrošena za pogon rashladnog uređaja može biti smanjena na više načina. Ovaj rad se bavi analizom uticaja kvaliteta termoizolacije na potrošnju goriva za pogon rashladnog uređaja ugrađenog na uobičajeno dostavno vozilo. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se izborom pojačane termoizolacije troškovi goriva za pogon rashladnog uređaja mogu smanjiti za oko 420 € godišnje, ukoliko se prevozi duboko smrznuta riba na zadatoj temperaturi od -20 °C (ili drugi prehrambeni proizvodi na istoj temperaturi), dok je ušteda pri prevozu svežeg mesa (na primer) na 0 °C oko 110 € godišnje. Kada se dostavno vozilo koristi za transport duboko smrznute ribe ulaganje će se isplatiti nakon eksploatacije vozila od 3.5 godine, ali ako se vozilo koristi za prevoz svežeg mesa ulaganje će se isplatiti nakon oko 14 godina. U analizu je uključena cena ugradnje termoizolacije, trenutna cena goriva u Srbiji, kao i prosečne mesečne temperature na teritoriji Beograda.sr
dc.description.abstractAn additional attention must be payed to the energy efficiency of refrigerated vans transporting perishable foodstuffs, because inefficient operation of refrigeration units installed on these vehicles increases fuel consumption and exhaust gases emissions. The amount of fuel consumed by mechanical refrigeration unit drive can be reduced in many ways. This paper is analysing the impact of thermal insulation quality on the fuel consumed by mechanical refrigeration unit installed on a typical van. The results of the research show that by choosing better-quality thermal insulation around € 420 can be saved annually on fuel consumed by mechanical refrigeration unit driven by vehicle's engine while transporting deeply frozen fish at -20 °C (or other foodstuffs at given temperature). If the van is transporting raw meat (for example) at 0 °C annual savings can be around € 110. When the van is used for transport of deeply frozen fish the investment will pay off after 3.5 years of vehicle exploitation, while if the raw meat is transported the investment will pay off after approximately 14 years. The analysis includes the price of insulating the van, current fuel price in Serbia, as well as the average monthly temperatures in the territory of Belgrade, Serbia.en
dc.publisherEkonomski institut, Beograd
dc.subjectrashladna vozilasr
dc.subjectpotrošnja gorivasr
dc.subjectmehanički rashladni uređajsr
dc.subjectthermal insulationen
dc.subjectrefrigerated vansen
dc.subjectmechanical refrigeration uniten
dc.subjectfuel economyen
dc.subjectfuel consumptionen
dc.titleUšteda u potrošnji goriva ostvarena upotrebom pojačane termoizolacije tovarnog prostora dostavnih vozilasr
dc.titleFuel savings by using better-quality insulation in refrigerated vansen
dc.citation.other49(1): 81-91



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