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Integration of system design and production processes in robust mechatronic product architectures development: Extended M-FBFP framework

dc.creatorOsman, Krešimir
dc.creatorStamenković, Dragi
dc.creatorLazarević, Mihailo
dc.description.abstractSloženost mehatroničkih proizvoda, kao što su sustavi klima komora, dovodi do ogromnih poteškoća u sagledavanju gdje su glavne neučinkovitosti u procesu. Dakle, vrlo je teško odlučiti koja će poboljšanja imati najznačajniji utjecaj na tvrtku ili za određeni projekt. Mehatronički proizvodi se odlikuju visokim stupnjem interdisciplinarnosti i složenosti u tehničkom sustavu i pripadajućem razvojnom procesu. Ovdje nam kao glavni izazov predstavlja kako se nositi s visokom složenošću i raznolikošću međuovisnosti u takvim proizvodima. Stoga je ovdje predstavljeno okruženje za integraciju modeliranja mehatroničkih proizvoda i proizvodnih procesa - prošireno M-FBFP okruženje. Ono nam nudi različite nezavisne poglede na cijeli proizvod kako bi se poboljšala njegova arhitektura. Kao rezultat predloženog okruženja, analize rizika u podsustavima kroz domenu komponenata i u procesima kroz domenu tehničkih procesa postaje moguća, te putem dobivenih povratnih informacija mogu se raditi izmjene u arhitekturi proizvoda. Da bi se testirala valjanost predloženog okruženja, ovdje je predstavljen primjer s klima komorom s regeneracijom topline.sr
dc.description.abstractThe complexity of mechatronic products, such as climate chamber subsystems, results in enormous difficulties in understanding where the main design process inefficiencies are. It is therefore extremely difficult to determine which improvements will have the most significant impact on a company or on a specific project. Mechatronic products are characterized by a high level of interdisciplinarity and complexity in the technical system and the relevant development processes. The main challenge in this respect is how to deal with the high complexity of and a variety of interdependencies in such products. We are therefore presenting a framework for integrated mechatronic product and process modelling - extended M-FBFP framework. This framework provides different independent perspectives of the overall product to improve their architecture. As a result of the proposed framework, risk analysis through subsystems in the components domain and through processes in the technical processes domain is enabled and it is now possible to provide feedback on product architecture. To obtain optimally robust product architectures from available alternative solutions, an evaluation analysis was performed across all stages, including the initialization and subsequent refinements with several evaluation criteria: complexity, interdependency and process duration. To test the validity of the proposed framework, we are presenting a case study involving a climate chamber with heat regeneration.en
dc.publisherSavez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd
dc.sourceHemijska Industrija
dc.subjecttehnički processr
dc.subjectProšireno M-FBFP okruženjesr
dc.subjectKonstruiranje mehatroničkih proizvodasr
dc.subjectArhitektura proizvodasr
dc.subjectAnaliza rizikasr
dc.subjecttechnical processen
dc.subjectrisk analysisen
dc.subjectproduct architectureen
dc.subjectmechatronic product designen
dc.subjectextended M-FBFP frameworken
dc.titlePovezivanje sustava i proizvodnih procesa u razvoju arhitektura robusnih mehatroničkih sustava - prošireno M-FBFP okruženjesr
dc.titleIntegration of system design and production processes in robust mechatronic product architectures development: Extended M-FBFP frameworken
dc.citation.other67(5): 759-771



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