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Vertical temperature profile in the fluidized bed installation for combustion of waste fuels

dc.creatorMladenović, Milica R.
dc.creatorPaprika, Milijana J.
dc.creatorDakić, Dragoljub
dc.creatorNemoda, Stevan
dc.creatorErić, Aleksandar M.
dc.creatorKomatina, Mirko
dc.description.abstractOvaj rad je prilog istraživanju sagorevanja čvrstih i tečnih otpadnih goriva. U tečna otpadna goriva čije odlaganje predstavlja ekološki problem ubrajamo talog iz rezervoara sirove nafte kao i korišćena jestiva/mineralna ulja i glicerin kao nus-produkt proizvodnje biodizela. Pored toga, ove materije, zbog neujednačenog sastava i gustine kao i visokog udela balasta, se ne mogu sagorevati u konvencionalnim ložištima, pa je tehnologija pogodna za njihovu toplotnu dezintegraciju fluidizovani sloj jer omogućava sagorevanje najrazličitijih vrsta goriva neuniformnog sastava. U čvrsta otpadna goriva ubrajamo i vanbilansne rezerve uglja (sitne granulacije, sa visokim sadržajem mineralnih materija i niskom toplotnom moći) koje je potrebno koristiti racionalnije, što opet podrazumeva primenu ložišta sa fluidizovanim slojem. U kotlovima sa fluidizovanim slojem mogu se sagorevati čvrsta goriva sa 85% inertnih materija, sa efikasnim odsumporavanjem dodavanjem krečnjaka direktno u ložište, sa niskom emisijom NOx, što ovoj tehnologiji daje značajnu prednost u poređenju sa drugim tehnologijama sagorevanja. U radu je dat opis eksperimentalne instalacije, kao i rezultat eksperimenata, sa naglaskom na raspodelu temperature po visini ložišta, u cilju određivanja zone intenzivnog sagorevanja u zavisnosti od karakteristika goriva.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper is a contribution to the investigation of combustion of waste liquid and solid fuels. Waste liquid fuels include sediment from crude-fuel oil tanks or used edible/mineral oils, the disposal of which is most of ten linked to environmental issues. In addition, these substances, due to high ballast content, non-uniform composition and density, can not be burnt in conventional combustors, hence the technology of thermal disintegration in the fluidized bed (FB) imposes as a solution, which enables the combustion of fuels of most distinct types and non-uniform compositions. Waste solid fuels refer to coals from off-balance reserves (fine-grained, with high ballast and sulfur contents and low heating values) which should be used more rationally, implying the application of the FB combustion (FBC) as well. The fact that FB boilers can burn fuels with 85% of inert materials, with effective retention of SO2 by adding lime stone into the furnace, and with lower NOx emissions, gives FBC significant advantages, compared to other combustion technologies. Description of the experimental FBC facility is given, as well as experimental results, with the focus on the furnace temperature distribution, in order to determine the location of the intensive combustion zone as a function of fuel properties. .en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča, Beograd i Društvo termičara Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/33042/RS//
dc.subjecttečna otpadna gorivasr
dc.subjectniskovredni ugljevisr
dc.subjectfluidizovani slojsr
dc.subjectwaste liquid fuelsen
dc.subjectlow-grade coalen
dc.subjectfluidized beden
dc.titleVertikalni profil temperature u instalaciji za sagorevanje otpadnih goriva sa fluidizovanim slojemsr
dc.titleVertical temperature profile in the fluidized bed installation for combustion of waste fuelsen
dc.citation.other38(1): 11-24



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